Today we watched a movie called Gran Torino. The director and one of the main characters was Clint Eastwood. This film was about an old man who recently lost his wife. He didn't have a good relationship with his two sons and his grandkinds, so when a hmong family moves in besides him, they turn out to become his "second family". But the relationship between them isn't very easy. Thao, the son of the house has a cousin that is a member of a gang. This gang tries to recrute Thao, but Walt (Clint Eastwood) encourages Thao to get a job and get away from the gang. But when Sue, the older sister gets violated, things change. Thao wants revenge, so does the rest of the town including Walt. However, Walt has other plans and this is when you see the old, grumpy man's soft side. I really think people should see this movie, so I won't spoil the end, but I can deffinately say that the movie has a happy, yet sad ending…
I think the main themes in the movie are challenges, loyalty and friendship. To start with everything is a challenge for Walt and for the hmong family. They have just moved in besides a grumpy and lonely old man. Even when they try to get to know this man, they are met with predjudicm and anger. But after they push really hard, they connect. Sue and Thao looks up to Walt. They look at him as a fatherfigure, and respect him. They listen to him, and are consurned about him when they see that he is sick. When the shooting episode happens, Walt really begins to figure out a plan to get back to the gang. And he truly finds a way of saving Thao and Sue from the destiny that they would have without Walt.
The way I see it, the moral of this movie is that it's never too late to do good. Even if it doesn't make up for everything you didn't do or should have done, you can still change someone elses life by doing the right thing. All in all, I liked the movie. I think it was a good storyline, good actors and finally a good ending.
I agree with you, never too late to do good and Walt certainly does! Hm it is a powerful movie to watch. Glad you liked it. I agree with you when you say that challanges, loyalty and friendship are important issues that are adressed in the movie. Well written post.
SvarSlettI liked how you wrote a little summary of the movie without revealing too much. I also liked your thoughts about the moral in the movie, I agree with you on that. Good entry!
SvarSlettI liked the way you referred to the Hmong family as Walt's "second family". They are in a way his second chance, after not having a good relationship with his own family. I also think it is nice that you didn’t spoil the ending.
SvarSlettI agree with Cathrine. You have many nice points and a good summary. I liked that you didn’t spoil the end, even though it was very tempting to do so. You write well and it is easy to follow your arguments, which is ordered logically. Nice =)