sends them away to shield them from the war, they discover an entirely different world - Narnia. Soon they get to know the people who live in Narnia, and they hear about the horror they live in because of the evil white witch who is the queen of Narnia. The people of Narnia sees these kids as the four rightful kings and queens of Narnia, and after thinking about it, Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan decides to fight the witch.
Clive Staples Lewis was born November 29th 1898 in Belfast in Ireland. His mother died when he was 10 years old, and C.S Lewis was sent to different schools in England. He loved animals, and so he started writing stories about animals. He loved reading as well, and his father did to, so he always had new books to read. Later C.S Lewis went to Campbell College in Belfast, and in 1916 he won a scholarship to the University College of Oxford. He joined the British Army despite of his father’s advice. During that time, he made a good friend Paddy Moore. The two made a deal that if one of them died, the other would take care of their family, and when Paddy More did die, C.S Lewis held his promise. He took care of Paddy’s mother until she died in 1951 which was approximately the time he started writing the chronicles of Narnia. C.S Lewis died one week before his 65th birthday…

Usually, I don't like fantasy movies or books. I'm more of a comedy-type of girl; however, this movie was actually not that bad. Even though I know that a lion can't talk, it seemed very real to me when the lion in the movie talked. I think the animation in the movie was amazing! And not to mention the actors, especially the youngest girl was so cute! When I think of all the hard work they had to go through to make this movie, I'm impressed.
Here are the sources I've used:
I was impressed too. Glad you liked it. Nice touch about his friendship with Paddy Moore and how they promised to look out for each other. That was a nice gesture from his part I think.