Today we were given a task in class. We were to read three texts, and then do either tasks or take notes from what we had read. I read about Manga and anime, English in South-East Asia and the Triumph of Japanese English. Some of the time I worked with Cathrine, and the rest of the time I worked alone. I got to

do a lot of tasks to the different texts, and I learned a lot.
First of all the English language is even more spread around the world than I thought! Not only is the language important for the native speakers, but also for Chinese and Japanese people. In fact, both in China and in Japan, you should know English to be able to get a job or a promotion. Secondly, the number of people who study English in China is larger then the combined population of all countries where English is the mother tounge!
Another thing I didn't know was that new words are added to the Chinese language everyday.
I think I spent my time properly. I got to do most of the tasks, and I learned many new facts. It was a good way of working for me because I prefer to work by myself or with one or two others. I learn best if I can read and then do tasks or disguss with people. I don't think I would change anything about the way I worked today because I did a lot of work, and I did what I was supposed to do. I used the day and the time we were given to do the tasks and to learn as much as possible.
Sounds like you reflected on your learning and were happy about how you spent the time. I agree with you, to discuss is a good way to learn. We should allow more time for discussions in class. It seems like you know more about this theme now.